Phonon based Video Player written in Qt
- OpenGL Visualization
- MySQL powered Media Library
- 10 band Equalizer (Linux Gstreamer backend Only)
- Volume amplifier (can blow your speakers out!)
Runtime Dependencies:
Qt4, Phonon, kdelibs4 (linux only)
Build Dependencies:
cmake, Qt4-dev, Phonon-dev, kdebase4-dev
Ubuntu build dependencies command:
apt-get install cmake libqt4-dev libphonon-dev kdelibs5-dev
OpenSUSE build dependencies command:
zypper in cmake libqt4-devel phonon-devel libkde4-devel
OpenSUSE Repo
- The OBS repository contains packagase for all supported OpenSUSE versions along with Arch linux packages
Generic Binary Packages (RPM, DEB and win32 EXE)
- The Windows version requires K-lite codec pack
Build from Source:
- git clone https://www.github.com/Zakhrov/WebPhonon.git
- Build Instructions:
- cd to the directory you cloned WebPhonon to
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
- make
- execute using ./WebPhonon or run sudo make install for systemwide install